Culpepper Garden welcomes volunteers of all ages. All of our onsite programs are volunteer or partner-led and engage residents in a variety of ways including recreational activities, wellness programs, musical and theatrical performances and bingo and games. We welcome faith-based, business groups, scout troops and individuals to volunteer regularly or as part of team-building volunteer event.
We are deeply appreciative of the many individuals who have volunteered at Culpepper Garden. A partial list of groups who have volunteered at Culpepper Garden:
Arlington County Career Center PEP students
Arlington Chamber of Commerce Volunteer Arlington Day
Arlington Jaycees
Arlington Philharmonic Crescendo Ensemble
ACE (Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment)
Avalon Bay Communities
Capital Swing Quartet
Caruthers Properties LLC
Doubletree Crystal City
Educational Theater Company
Eli Lilly
George Mason University Health Administration Interns
Ignation Volunteer Corps.
Jewish Community Center
Junior ROTC
Kissable Canines
Leadership Center for Excellence, Young Professionals
Lion’s Club
Malarkey Celtic Band
Marymount University Nursing Students
Master Gardeners
Master Naturalists of NVA
McLean Bible Church/Arlington
Mr. Ed’s Guitar Group
Opera Nova
Potomac School Summer Camp
Rock Spring Congregational Church
St. Charles Choral Singers
St. Thomas More students
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Traveling Players
U.S. Department of Justice
UUCA Handbell Choir and Sunday School
Numerous Girl and Boy Scout troops