Assisted Living

Assisted Living

Culpepper Garden provides accommodations in the William P. Harris Center for low-income seniors over age 62 who need help with activities of daily living. Also referred to as Culpepper Garden Assisted Living or Culpepper Garden III, when this building opened in 2000, it was the first facility in the U.S. to combine affordable housing with assisted living services. It is the only such facility in Arlington County, VA, and allows our residents to age in place in our caring community.

Residents bring their personal furnishings and possessions to the 73 one-bedroom apartments. These residents do not require constant care, but they need extra assistance to continue living as independently as possible. Assisted Living services include:

  • Three full meals a day
  • Library, computers and Wi-Fi available 24/7
  • Personalized service plan that is regularly updated
  • Light housekeeping and laundry help
  • Medication management
  • Help with bathing and dressing
  • Help with meals
  • Reminders and redirection when needed
  • Help scheduling physician’s appointments and arranging transportation
  • Licensed nurse on staff
  • 24-hour emergency call system
  • Full-time active activities director leads five to eight resident programs activities and entertainment each day

One Bedroom Floor Plan

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