About Culpepper Garden
What is Culpepper Garden and what is its relationship to the Arlington Retirement Housing Corporation?
Arlington Retirement Housing Corporation (ARHC) is the nonprofit owner of Culpepper Garden. ARHC accomplishes its mission of providing affordable housing and services for low-income people over age 62 through its ownership of Culpepper Garden, an affordable housing community with 273 independent living apartments and 73 assisted living apartments.
Where is Culpepper Garden?
We are located in Arlington, VA, just outside Washington, DC. We are on Pershing Drive, off of Route 50/Arlington Boulevard near George Mason Drive. (Link to map | directions)
4435 North Pershing Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 528-0162
Is parking available?
Parking at Culpepper Garden is free but visitors must display a parking pass, available at the front desk.
Why is it called “Culpepper Garden”?
Our name comes from Dr. Charles Culpepper, who once owned this property and made it available for housing for low-income seniors. Dr. Culpepper was a botanist who bred daffodils and daylilies, which still grow on the property today.
What is the age range of residents?
Residents must be at least 62 years old. The average age of residents in the independent living residences is 79, and in the assisted living center the average age is 87. The oldest resident in independent living is 100 and the oldest resident in assisted living is 102.
What services and activities are available?
Culpepper Garden offers a wide range of services to help residents conduct daily activities, as well as volunteer-led programs and activities to encourage a strong connection with the community and improve wellness. Click on the Services tab to find out more.
What awards has Culpepper Garden received?
Culpepper Garden has been honored with numerous awards recognizing our innovation, high performance and best practices. In addition, Culpepper Garden routinely achieves the highest marks on federal, state and local inspections. For a list of specific awards (link to History and awards)
What does it mean to be a "HUD facility"?
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated Culpepper Garden as a facility that meets its criteria for support. Through several programs (including supportive housing for the elderly and low-income residents), HUD provides financial assistance to supplement the fair market rents for eligible residents.
What is Arlington County’s relationship with Culpepper Garden?
Arlington County has been a key partner with Culpepper Garden from the start. Arlington County provides financial support to Culpepper Garden that helps residents who need assistance paying for rent, food, medicine or other living essentials.
What is the relationship between Culpepper Garden and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington and other faith-based communities?
Culpepper Garden is nonsectarian. However, Culpepper Garden came into being because of the care and involvement of members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington and continues to have a strong relationship with UUCA. Culpepper Garden welcomes the involvement of all faith-based groups, reflecting the diversity of our resident community. Catholic communion service is available weekly, as are Protestant church services, hymn sings, bible studies and other church-related activities, depending on residents’ needs and interests.
Who should I contact with questions, ideas, complaints or concerns about Culpepper Garden’s property management?
Culpepper Garden is professionally managed by Coordinated Services Management.
Please phone or write to Paul Timpane, Property Operations Director, (703) 528-0162.
How many people can Culpepper Garden accommodate?
We have a total of 346 apartments: 273 independent living apartments and 73 assisted living apartments.
Can residents have pets?
Yes. Residents may have a small pet, such as a small dog or a cat that weighs less than 20 lbs.
What does “assisted living” mean?
Assisted living residences are for people who need help with “activities of daily living,” such as eating, bathing, dressing, laundry and housekeeping, but who wish to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
Admissions and Eligibility
Is there a waiting list to move in?
Yes. The average wait is about one year, but it varies. For more information, email Admissions@culpeppergarden.org or call (703) 528-0162.
How much does it cost?
Rents for Culpepper Garden I, II and III residents are based on residents’ annual income. Residents may qualify for rental assistance provided through Arlington County or HUD.
For specific information about living at Culpepper Garden, contact Admissions at admissions@culpeppergarden.org or call (703) 528-0162
Are there financial criteria I need to meet to move into Culpepper Garden?
Yes. For more information about qualifying, contact Admissions at admissions@culpeppergarden.org or call (703) 528-0162
Does Culpepper Garden offer tours?
Absolutely! Please make arrangements in advance by contacting Admissions at admissions@culpeppergarden.org or call (703) 528-0162
Do you need volunteers? To do what?
Volunteers are needed and welcome — especially people who can volunteer during the workday. Volunteers help out with everything from resident exercise classes and support services to simply meeting and greeting. If you are interested in helping out at Culpepper Garden III, email Colleen Boltri, Activity Coordinator or call her at 703-528-0162 (ext. 135) For Culpepper Garden I and II, email volunteer@culpeppergarden.org.
Does Culpepper Garden accept donations?
Yes! Tax-deductible donations provide subsidies to our low-income seniors for help with the cost of meals, medications, care services and more. Find out more about how to donate.
Can my company or organization make a donation to Culpepper Garden?
Absolutely! Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable and can be in the form of cash contributions, stocks or in-kind contributions. Many companies also match contributions from their employees. Find out more about how to donate.