Independent Living Renovation – COVID-19 Update – 4/21/20

Dear Residents, Families and Culpepper Garden stakeholders:

On March 23rd 2020, all major renovation activities were immediately stopped at Culpepper Garden Independent Living when the severity of the Coronavirus outbreak became clear. This decision was made in order to protect the safety of residents, staff and workers as we all worked to limit exposure and possible transmission of COVID-19 during renovation activities. Since then, only critical need or health and safety related work has continued under strict limitations and access protocols. 

As we have come to understand how the virus is transmitted and best practices are developed to limit exposure and transmission; the potential for continuing limited renovation activities has been considered. Meetings and deliberations have been ongoing for several weeks to consider limited construction options and protocols that would provide for the safety of residents, staff and workers if or when any renovation work restarted. 

To that end an Industrial Hygienist has been consulted and a work plan developed for the restart of limited work. It has been determined that the safe resumption of limited renovation work is possible within contained areas with standard precautions and increased infection control practices implemented and monitored. Renovation of the 50% completed 27 tier units will be the first restart of renovation activities. These units are located where the exterior construction elevator lift was located at the end of the West wing of the building. 

The following protocols will be in place for the completion of the 27 tier units: 

  • Temporary walls with emergency exit doors will be built on all levels to separate the renovation units from the hallway. 
  • The temporary doors will remain available for emergency exits. 
  • A limited number of supervised construction workers will be on site.
  • Workers will be screened for elevated temperature and COVID-19 signs and symptoms every day before entering the renovation area and all will wear masks and gloves.
  • All workers, supplies, or any other access will be through the Garden Level south entrance only. No access will be permitted in any other area of the building. The  stairwell #5 will be the only means of entry and exiting for workers.
  • Residents will not be permitted to use the stairwell #5 during construction hours except for emergency egress.
  • Wash stations and restrooms for workers will be available in self-contained areas of the Garden level unit wing.
  • At all times barriers will separate any renovation activity from all areas of the building occupied by residents.
  • The health and safety of residents, staff and workers will always be the primary concern and will be constantly monitored and reviewed. 

The sudden and justified stoppage of renovation work left the condition of many areas of the building rough and unfinished. This has extended resident inconvenience, operational disruptions and temporary work locations during a time of maximum operational need. The restart of renovation activities is a carefully considered and reviewed process meant to maximize residents’ safety while continuing limited but essential construction. Current planning is to begin this effort beginning the week of April 20th.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Paul J. Timpane 
Director, Property Operations 

Linda Kelleher 
Executive Director, ARHC 

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