Independent Living – COVID-19 Update – 5/25/20

Dear Independent Living Residents and Family Members,

We continue to work diligently in the Culpepper Garden community to take precautions to combat COVID-19. Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that one of our independent living residents tested positive for COVID-19. This resident had direct exposure to a privately hired caregiver who tested positive for the vints last week. The resident was tested for COVID-19 even though she was not experiencing any signs and symptoms of the vin1s. The resident will be monitored for development of signs and symptoms and is self-quarantined in their apartment until cleared by the Arlington County Department of Health.

As I reported to you last week, the privately hired caregiver who tested positive was providing services for one other Culpepper Garden resident. Both residents had been self-isolating in their units prior to the positive test result. This resident was infonned of the caregiver’s positive test result and remains under self-quarantine in their unit, is not experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and is following the advice of their primary care physician.

We believe that the precautions we put into place over the last several months, will prove effective in containing the spread of the virus.

Please remain diligent in your observance of the precautions to protect yourself, your fellow residents, and the team members who work at Culpepper Garden.

  • Visitation for all visitors is restricted on our campus. We encourage residents and families to engage virtually during this time.
  • Everyone in public areas of the building must wear a mask and observe social distancing of at least 6 feet or greater.
  • Only essential visitors, emergency contractors or registered private aides are permitted. ALL approved individuals must be registered with management for approval prior to any visit. All unscheduled visits will be denied entry.
  • All individuals entering the community must enter through the main entrance where they are screened, reminded that they are required to wear a face mask, wash their hands, and wear their name tag. We urge residents to not prop open doors or allow entry to Culpepper Garden except as noted above.
  • All non-medical deliveries from any source, including families, must be left at the front desk for resident pick up or delivery by staff for those residents unable to pick up.
  • All residents should maintain a social separation distance of at least 6 feet everywhere.
  • No more than two people on an elevator at a time.
  • Communal dining and common areas are closed; no group activities or events are being held.
  • We strongly advise all residents to remain in their apartment, the grounds or their building to limit exposure.
  • We are strongly advising residents to not leave the Culpepper Garden campus, except for medically necessary appointments. Any resident leaving the campus is strongly advised to wear a mask as well as observe social distancing. Upon return to Culpepper Garden, the resident will be screened, wash their hands, or use the hand sanitizer available at the front desk, and answer the required CDC questionnaire. Residents who leave campus or who answer yes to any screening question will be informed to self-quarantine for l4 days.
  • Residents must notify management if they are tested for COVID-19, have direct contact or exposure to an individual who has tested positive or 1s symptomatic for COVID- l 9, or if experiencing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 illness.

The following protocols for residents and aides remain in place:

  • Staff are continuing to frequently disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the common areas.
  • Residents should always require private caregivers and any essential visitors to wear a mask and gloves in their apartment.
  • Private caregivers and aides are not permitted to use any common areas; they are to proceed directly after screening to their assigned resident and remain inside or with the resident for the duration of the visit. NOTE: Laundry and walks with the resident outside the unit or on the grounds are permitted as long as masks are worn.
  • All aides doing resident laundry will be restricted to using the 5t h floor laundry room.
  • All aides are screened upon entry with temperature checked and recorded.
  • All aides are always required to wear masks and gloves in the building.
  • Anyone entering the building must always use hand sanitizer and be properly screened.

We continue to encourage that everyone in our community follow proper infection control practices as provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

  • Washing and sanitizing of hands for 20 seconds or more as often as possible; and avoid touching face, mouth, and eyes.
  • Wear a mask whenever in public or when an aide is in the apartment.
  • Covering a cough or sneeze.
  • Maintaining a “social distance” of six (6) feet or greater.
  • Frequent disinfecting areas of activity and touchpoints.
  • Monitor health for symptoms and stay away from others if sick.

We are committed to provide you with regular updates about our on-going efforts to minimize exposure for COVID-19. While Governor Northam’s Phase I plan is to be implemented in our area this coming Friday, May 30, the risk to our community remains very high. It is very important for all of us to be vigilant. Al1 of us who are part of the Culpepper Garden community can get through this together if we follow proper infection control practices. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. The team members at Culpepper Garden are committed to see this through and we are standing firm together for the health, safety, and welfare of each resident and each other.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Paul Timpane
Director of Property Operations

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