We are grateful for the support of our sponsors.
(For the period 7/1/17 – 6/30/18.)
- Virginia Housing Development Authority
- Washington Forrest Foundation
- Suzie and Bill Buck
- Buck & Associates
- Venable Foundation, Inc.
- Jeanne Broyhill and Joe Ventrone
- Mary’s Episcopal Church
- Larry Waldron
- Doreen Gentzler and Bill Miller
- John Andelin and Virginia Geoffrey
- Caruthers Foundation Inc.
- Boeing Employee Community Fund
- and Mrs. Hugh J. McLellan
- Brad and Diane Smith
- Coordinated Services Management, Inc.
- Rock Spring UCC Church
- Elizabeth Wildhack
- Resurrection EV Lutheran Church
- Virginia Community Development Corporation
- Marsha Allgeier
- Beene, Kinney and Korman, P.C.
- Sue and George Covucci
- Tracy and James Millar
- Brian Klotz
- Kenneth Marshall, MD
- Paul Douthit
- Gary and Vicki Kirkbride
- Goodwin House Foundation
- G. Reinsch Company
- and Mrs. Stephan Fay
- Harkins Builders, Inc.
- Susan Philp and Oren Heend
- and Mrs. William Piez
- John Shooshan
- Anonymous
- United Way – National Capital Area
- Virginia Karl
- United Bank
- and Mrs. John Keaton
- Greg and Mirian Forte
- Allied Pharmaceutical Service, Inc.
- Sarah Anspach
- Ken Aughenbaugh and Melodee Melin
- BB&T Greater Washington
- David W. Briggs
- and Mrs. Bernard Clineberg
- Daniel Coleman
- Roberta and Barry Finkelstein
- John Goodman
- Barbara Green
- Catherine Hobek
- Linda and John Kelleher
- Paul Nassetta
- Paradigm Companies
- Nancy Perry
- James Reed
- and donors who wish to remain anonymous