Our Sponsors
The nearby Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington (UUCA) founded the organization that is now ARHC in 1971, to generate support and raise funds to provide quality, affordable housing for senior citizens in the community. The church and its members have provided leadership, volunteer and financial support to Culpepper Garden for more than four decades.
Arlington County has supported Culpepper Garden since its beginning, providing onsite services for residents as well as essential financial assistance. That assistance includes subsidies to help some residents pay rent, to defray assisted living costs and to cover the costs of additional meals for a limited number of independent-living residents.
Culpepper Garden welcomes nonprofit and community partners to enrich the lives of our residents. Current partnerships include:
- High School Student interns – Career Center students in the Culinary, Cosmetology, Physical Therapy, PEP (Program for Employment Preparedness) and Junior ROTC programs work with staff and residents.
- Polling Site – Culpepper Garden residents can vote onsite and we can also help residents obtain required voter ID
- Library – Arlington County Library makes large print and talking books available onsite.
- Money Management Assistance – Through an Arlington County grant to Northern Virginia Family Services (NVFS), part-time financial aid is available.
- Legal Services – Legal Services of Northern Virginia comes to Culpepper Garden every six weeks.
- Supplemental Food – Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) distributes food every two weeks.
- Transportation – Senior Loop, Super Senior Taxi, Interim STAR Transportation, Metro Access, and Door-thru-Door provide transportation services to our residents.
- College Students – Nursing students from Marymount University and Ph.D. psychology students from George Washington University gain real-world experience in public health and psychology counseling. George Mason University Health Administration interns gain nonprofit management experience.
- Virginia Cooperative Extension — Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists help residents and volunteers maintain gardens and wooded areas on the Culpepper Garden site.
- Faith-based community, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts — Enrich residents’ lives with onsite activities.
- Fenwick Foundation — Provides free tickets to nearby cultural and sports events.
The nearby Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington (UUCA) founded the organization that is now ARHC in 1971, to generate support and raise funds to provide quality, affordable housing for senior citizens in the community. The church and its members have provided leadership, volunteer and financial support to Culpepper Garden for more than four decades.
Arlington County has supported Culpepper Garden since its beginning, providing onsite services for residents as well as essential financial assistance. That assistance includes subsidies to help some residents pay rent, to defray assisted living costs and to cover the costs of additional meals for a limited number of independent-living residents.

Culpepper Garden welcomes nonprofit and community partners to enrich the lives of our residents. Current partnerships include:
- High School Student interns – Career Center students in the Culinary, Cosmetology, Physical Therapy, PEP (Program for Employment Preparedness) and Junior ROTC programs work with staff and residents.
- Polling Site – Culpepper Garden residents can vote onsite and we can also help residents obtain required voter ID
- Library – Arlington County Library makes large print and talking books available onsite.
- Money Management Assistance – Through an Arlington County grant to Northern Virginia Family Services (NVFS), part-time financial aid is available.
- Legal Services – Legal Services of Northern Virginia comes to Culpepper Garden every six weeks.
- Supplemental Food – Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) distributes food every two weeks.
- Transportation – Senior Loop, Super Senior Taxi, Interim STAR Transportation, Metro Access, and Door-thru-Door provide transportation services to our residents.
- College Students – Nursing students from Marymount University and Ph.D. psychology students from George Washington University gain real-world experience in public health and psychology counseling. George Mason University Health Administration interns gain nonprofit management experience.
- Virginia Cooperative Extension — Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists help residents and volunteers maintain gardens and wooded areas on the Culpepper Garden site.
- Faith-based community, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts — Enrich residents’ lives with onsite activities.
- Fenwick Foundation — Provides free tickets to nearby cultural and sports events